sábado, 1 de maio de 2010

After Naruto and Pain fight...Sasuke will fight the Kages by order of Madara And the one he will actualy fight it will be Danzou and he will kill him... if this fight have a good design it will be one of the best fight like Pain and Naruto...
This is Naruo sage mode and in this form he will be strong enough to fight with Sasuke... But in my opinion with only sage mode he woudn't beat him...
Well if you don't know yet i'll tell ya.... in the anime pain atack konoha and who is going to stop Pain you ask..... Of course it will be Naruto in sage mode it's very strong now and he is going to save konoha and make Pain ressurect everione who has been killed in batle by him... so if you want to discuss something you can do it here
1st of all i would like to put the manga and the episodes of naruto and other mangas and animes but it's not possible yet so i just can put the spoilers for now but when it's done i will anoucing.

sexta-feira, 30 de abril de 2010

Anoucing the blog

Hi people i am just anoucing my blogue this blogue contain Naruto spoilers.